Wednesday 2 August 2023

7 Tips to Boost the Confidence In Your Kid

1. Help Them Embrace the Realities
Being a parent we always wish to hide our kids from the thick and thin of this world and as a result, we often end up masking the realities of the world in front of them. Although it is crucial in some cases where we have to protect their tiny little brains and conscience from sensitive content, it's vital that they look around and learn about the environment and troubles that we are facing as humanity. Only then can we expect them to be a part of the solution. Especially when kids start talking and schooling it's essential to feed the truth about family, household, and responsibilities in the society. 
2. Take Care of their Burden
We all are living in an extremely busy routine where we hardly find time for ourselves. The same kind of chaotic vibes is also reaching the kids these days. Screen time, school and gyms or yoga classes, class projects and home assignment has simply overburdened them a lot. It's important to offload some of these tasks to let them think and process the happenings around. Very often the burdening responsibilities have been observed to take away the child's confidence and eventually, they turn into little shy souls afraid of facing anyone. It's important to share their burden and let them have a joyful stress free day and night. 
3. Assistance in the Expression of Words
Many of us are not good at expressing ourselves. The world calls us introverts but only we understand the agony of the situation when we have a thousand words to say and end up saying nothing. Always remember that with some kids this issue is even more severe. So whenever you feel you have a kid who is not good at expressing your feelings do not get annoyed or hasty. Just give him time and let him know that you are patiently waiting for his feelings to be conveyed in words. Whatever he says you just know the intensity even if he doesn't express that accurately. When kids are blessed with parents with such quality their expression of sentiments improves big time and with every passing day you will see a huge confidence boost in your kid as well.
4. Hide Your Stresses
We are living in a world full of stress and troubles. financial issues, family and business matters, and climatic and political scenarios around the globe have altogether added to the affliction in our daily life. However little souls at home are yet too immature to understand the troubles of their parents. It has been observed that couples who do not prevent their kids from targeted abuse in the form of shouting and fighting between themselves have shyly complexed kids. It is like bullying a kid in his own home where he should think himself safe and protected. If kids see their parents satisfied and happy they are more confident to explore their talents and creativities. Your tense face is surely causing a lot of trouble for your little ones so make sure whatever is bothering you can wait till your kids are in bed or not close to you.
5. Ask for Their Help With Domestic Chores
Apart from taking care of their needs and demands it's important for parents to give the kids awareness about the real world outside the comfy homes. The responsibilities that will fall on their shoulders in the future. One of the best ways to do so is to ask for their help with groceries, the kitchen, or the garden. The kids will happily help you out in putting the dishes, allocating the groceries into the right cabinet, or often watering the plants or cutting and pruning the grass and will feel to be a part of a rather bigger task. It will make them more confident and will also help to give them an insight into the future when they will be doing all these tasks themselves.
6. Teach Them Kindness

Kindness indeed is the biggest virtue in the world. having seen so much agony, hate, and stress in the world we should focus on upbringing a generation that has not let the kindness vanish from their hearts. A kind heart is always willing to offer services for peace in society. we should teach our kids that Kindness makes us unique and superior to all other organisms. Only kindness can spread love in society and our kids can start a chain reaction of kindness and love by starting it today. Teach them the simple acts of caring and kind gestures that can make their surroundings more beautiful serene and peaceful. they should start today by sharing their lunch with a class fellow who could not bring his lunch box, by helping someone with their homework, or by pouring water for stray dogs and sparrows. A confident person can show kindness even when he has the opportunity and chance to take revenge. If you wish your kid to face this world with confidence and mental valor it's probably the best time for a lesson about kindness.
7. Do Not Compare Your Kid With Anyone
A very common mistake that often parents commit in front of their children is when they compare their kid with one of the neighbors or their own relative. Keep in mind as two faces in the world are hardly the same, similar is the case with the nature of your kid. Every kid is made up differently and requires a unique set of love protocols for their upbringing. When you are trying to make a point in front of your kid after his poor class test and tell them, "Ahmad did better. he studies more comprehensively than you".  
To say it is just a sentence but it has killed many dreams and joys of your kid.
Most importantly it has stabbed his confidence. After their mistakes, poor performance in tests, or errors please never compare them with anyone but buck them up. Give them hope. Ask them to try harder. Tell them it was not their best you know it. The best is still to come out. Your simple words of motivation will boost the confidence of your kid and you will see he will bring the desired results very soon.
in the end 

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