Saturday 7 April 2018


The incident of 9th January shook the whole nation when a raped and strangled body of a 7-year-old little girl was found in a heap of garbage in Kasur. The innocent face of the girl named “Zainab” made rounds on electronic, social and print media. It was not an accident or an incident but a life-changing call of warning for all Pakistanis having kids. The nation responded to the call brilliantly and there was uproar around the country condemning and protesting against the ferocious crime. The public and media pressure finally caused the large-scale utilization of resources and intelligence that finally the malicious pedophile Imran Ali was arrested. To the utter shock of the whole nation, he was involved in 7 more incidents with 7 other little girls in the same city.Focusing on the evil nature of this barbaric person and the negligence of local police to consume 7 incidents of the same nature is an extensive issue in itself, but what we as parents need to learn from this incident is of critical importance. Here are 7 things that we need to learn and spoon-fed our kids about this barbarous custom that is shadowing even the most civilized social systems of the world.

1.   Keep An Eye On Your Child Behaviour:

The most critical and ultimate tip to avoid any such terrible occurrence is to keep a close and very alert eye on your little angel’s behavior. If you notice that he or she is acting rather strangely, or something they have never down before. Like keeping quiet, feeling scared, avoiding gatherings, showing fervor for things they were fond of. Never let these behavior changes go unnoticed. There can be various other reasons for this as well but when you will ask them, it will let them feel secure. Instead of investigating angrily, assure them you are with them and whatever they feel they must describe so that both of you find a solution to the problem. Make them agree on cooperation rather than enforcing anything on them.

2.   Never Trust Anyone With Your Kids:

I understand that after the age of 3 or 4 you are not the only person that your kid contracts with daily. There are several people who enter into their lives. Like the drivers who drive them to school, the school guards, and maids, shopkeepers of a school canteen and even the seniors at the school. Just strengthen the concept of never trusting anyone with your sensitive kid. Recently a photo made rounds on the social media where a lady noticed a driver showing unnecessary and rather absurd kindness to a little girl urging her to go to some park with him alone. Bribing a kid with something of their likeness is always sure to win you whatever you want. Unfortunately, these scumbags use their innocence to fulfill their evil lust. Whenever you notice that someone is trying to be overgenerous with your kid without any reason, don’t take it blithely, but directly talk to them or guide your kid to avoid that person. In case of Zainab, the murderer was a regular visitor to the house. Her mother reported that Zainab was abnormally quiet for about a month. It means something would have happened in that time that went unnoticed and the poor soul was killed. Thus apart from keeping an eye on your kid’s behavior, never allow any stranger or people apart from your family to show them generosity and preposterous affection.

3.   Inquire About Their Day and Routine:

Many times we think ourselves to be exceptionally close to our kids but it’s not always true. Never spend your lives in the misunderstanding that your kid never hides anything from you. There are certain unexplainable behaviors in children that demand extra care and attention. Always ask your kid about his or her day at school. Be sympathetic and kind. Whatever they tell you, listen with interest. Mostly we use mobile phones or watch TV while listening to our kids, thinking that kid is never irritated by lack of interest. But let me tell you, kids note these things and take an effect much more than the adults. When you will make a habit of inquiring about their routine and listen with concentration they will share everything with you. This thing will let you know and pick anything extraordinary going on with them at school or any tuition center you are sending them to.

4.   Never Fight Infront Your Kids:

Never fight in front of your kids. A study has shown that in the houses where children observe their parents fighting or arguing with each other are more susceptible to exploitation. It is because a kid always searches for peace and love when he finds his parents not able to provide him with these basics; he will look for love from someone outside the house. This is when your child is in the biggest danger. Anyone who will show him affection will be able to win his trust and being a kid he won’t be able to differentiate if the person is trustworthy or not. Since he does not trust you, he will not share any such happening with you and then your beautiful angel will be a toy for any exploiting pedophile.

5.   Back To The Basics:

I remember when I was young, the set of basic instruction had some very straight and orthodox points like:

  • Never eat anything from a stranger
  • never talk to a stranger
  • never open the door to a stranger
  • never play outside the home after Maghrib prayer.
  • consider your parents as your only friends.
But in between, we began to consider these instructions as being rude and self-confined. However, in the present circumstances, we are sensing a need for those strict instruction fed into the minds of our kids again. So instead of teaching your kid to present their cute and lovely character in front of the strangers its time to adopt the orthodox basics again.

6.   Encourage Your Kid:

Kids commit mistakes more often than adults. each time your kid commits a mistake you have a golden opportunity to teach them a lesson that will keep on dazzling in their minds forever. Never forget to encourage your kids on their small achievements and little joys. once your kids are habitual of hearing nice and appreciating words from you they are sure to develop into the mentally strong individual. Shy and children with a daunting confidence are more susceptible to pedophiles and your few words of encouragements and praise will let your kid relish the superior sense of mental strength.

7.   The Most Precious Investment:

Let us be realistic, your kid is your most precious and reliable investment. Whatever you are teaching or spending on them is sure to return with multiple bonuses. I know none of us ignore our kids intentionally, but many of us take our kids for granted. But incidents like this are powerful enough to shake us whole as a nation and as parents to keep our dearest belonging even more closed to ourselves. teach your kids how to fight such evils in the society and also let them digest and absorb these taboo characters of our society so that we never let any other Zainab to suffer such a barbaric fate.

May God protect our kids and let us see them grow and succeed in whatever field they chose for themselves.

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