Sunday 22 May 2022

 7 lessons Covid-19 Has Taught Us in General

It is not very late that we as a global community were shackled by Covid-19 and massive restrictions made life far from normal for every person in almost every country of the world. Since the first outbreak in December 2019 the whole world was on strict precautionary protocol as directed by WHO. However none of the measures seemed enough to control the outbreak and the world lost 1.5 million humans to this deadly disease till now. Mega pharmaceuticals companies came to the rescue and introduced several drugs in the market to control the widespread of Covid-19. despite of all the fabulous advancements and astonishing discoveries in medical technology it took the world almost 2 years to put a leash to the monster. Despite of all the suffering and loss we had faced at the hands of covid-19, the world has learned some crucial lessons that couldn't be learnt otherwise. 

1. Medicare Around the World is not Enough:

Its been years since we humans have always declared medical advancement as our most successful achievement of the 20th century. but the way corona virus has challenged our biggest claim is indeed sarcastic way. even the most medically advanced countries not only failed to contain the spread but also failed to provide medical relief to all the suffering population in their countries. according to UNICEF data top 11 countries with best medical care facilities for general public are Australia, Canada, France, Germany and Netherlands. UK and America are at number 10 and 11 respectively on this list yet most of these countries were brutally challenged by the global pandemic. Out of the total deaths recorded worldwide around 1 million occurred in US alone. Condition was even worse in the developing countries where according to expert analysis most deaths had not been officially recorded at all. This calamity not only challenged the world's ability to tackle with mass health emergency but also buried the claims of matchless medical advancements once and forever. iI proved that even the most developed and financially stable countries have a lot to do in the health sector.

2. Never Wait too Long to See Your Loved Ones

Although the first Covid-19 outbreak was recorded in December 2019 in China, however, it took almost 4 months to the world to understand and apprehend the severity of the pandemic. Once the gravity and rashness was felt immediate restrictions on world travel and trade were imposed. Each of us had been through most ruthless travel bans in the modern world. International borders were closed, airlines suspended their global and even local operations. Even intracity transport, subways and cab services also faced complete shutdown in certain countries. Such restrictions made everyday life tough on one hand and also made us long for our loved ones residing in other cities and countries. Friends could not see each other for birthdays and football or cricket match get togethers. Fathers and sons working abroad could not make it for occasions like Eid and Christmas. We missed funerals and last meeting with many family members. All these are the worse memories we all collectively share during these last two years.

3. Efficiency is not Granted byWorking 5 days a Week

Another rather positive aspect that we have been through this pandemic is the trend of working from home. In order to control the spread of the disease and contain the virus to some extent most organisations initiated work from home system. In the beginning it seemed tough and inefficient and but soon people began to understand its importance and adopted it as a new work strategy. We all cherished the proper family time probably for the first time in our lives. The world learned that productivity doesn't come only after grinding 8-12 hours at work for 5-6 days in a week. This is the reason why many countries are shifting to a 4 days week after the pandemic to enhance the work stamina of their workers and to limit the resource consumption.

4. Health is Wealth

It was not until the pandemic that most of us took health fore granted. Common flu or mild temperature could never stop most of us from working tirelessly. We avoided medication for most of such seasonal diseases and health was not a priority in todays life of competition and strive for a better future. But suddenly this disease not only made us all more concerned about our health issues but also made us more disciplined and sensible when it came to little tasks that we have been taught from early school about good health. Health departments globally ran campaigns with the help electronic and print media to promote washing off hands, use of antibacterial soaps, eating healthy food and contacting a doctor in case of emergency situation. Due to these changes in our prospect of health we have seen improved standards of healthy living among all age groups as well as reduced chances of sickness. This indeed is a result of our own better understanding of the worth of health.

5-Learned to Feel the Agony of the Hungry and Poor

Apart from many things that this pandemic has installed in our lives we saw the agony of the poor and hungry closely. When many people lost their jobs during this time we seriously learnt what is the meaning of poverty and the agony of seeing your kids sleeping with an empty belly. But in this dire times we have seen many people from Pakistan and worldwide who came forward to help the fallen of the society. Charity in Pakistan has seen a new peak during 2019-21. Apart from the established organisations like Selani, Edhi and many local organisations in every city, individual people set up meals on daily basis. in Pakistan the government also aided the poor by launching Ehsaas program. so in short it can said that although this calamity has caused a havoc in our world but still the side of humanity we have seen in this time was also rare and never seen before.

6-Sky High Trends of Entrepreneurship

One most important thing this pandemic has taught the educated youth is self reliance. All those young lads and ladies who were running after jobs after completing their degrees began to carve a way on their own to earn handsomely. Global financial crunch enforced the importance of online working and hiring of experts that can make it easy for the companies to compensate for the live market losses by putting expert hands and brains on the keyboard. Apart from this, many enthusiastic youth made small companies online and many of them have been successful. This has not only reduced the burden of unemployed people on economy but has provided a better chance at foreign reserves as most of freelancing activity is paid in Dollars globally. 

7- Greed is a Curse

During the horrific peaks of pandemic we have seen many loved ones or acquaintances to suffer and losing their lives to Covid-19. The lust for money and power has not landed us anywhere close to the point of satisfaction in fact it took away everything. This pandemic is a lesson for everyone who is busy in hoarding money and resources for a future that is never certain. It demands a better sense of responsibility towards social ethics where we need to invest a part of our wealth on the dejected and forgotten souls of our society. This will not only earn you respect and love but will also improve the lives of many without even you knowing about it.

Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that we humans need each other more than ever now. Despite all the technical superiority we have attained over the years we are still vulnerable and situation can get worse if there is a lack of global harmony. So instead of creating  differences and ethnical gaps its time to get over them and try to make this earth a better place for the generations to come.


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